CWCF Proposal – Building Community Resilience

The world around us has changed dramatically in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, with increasing homelessness, much higher cost of living, fast-growing and disturbing income inequality, and naked corporate greed on display.  The co-operative model, especially when partnered with government, is a proven way to help ordinary working-class people shine in times of darkness, though mutual self-help.  We need this type of partnership to unleash the co-operative potential inherent in all of us.  The Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation (“CWCF”)  has been researching and incubating these ideas for decades, and feels called to partner with the Government of Canada to help people and communities save jobs and small businesses. Attached are both CWCF’s Proposal for Building Community Resilience, and our most recent federal pre-budget brief.

CWCF Pre-budget submission_fnl_Aug_2024